2011 Blue Moon Awards
Well the Emmy nominations were announced, by Joshua Jackson no less, on Thursday. And once again our beloved cast has been royally and completely ignored by the ATAS, despite a season of incredible writing and some of the finest performances I’ve ever seen. John Noble and Anna Torv both delivered award worthy performances not only with their main characters, but with their alternates as well, and Joshua Jackson once again floored us with his understated but powerfully nuanced Peter.
If you’re here reading this, you know what I’m talking about. You saw what I did, what we all saw. The goosebumpy scenes of Walter pleading with God; of Walternate terrible and inexorable in defending his world; of Olivia ripping off her bedding and weeping on the floor as the implications of being replaced fully hit home; of Peter, helpless in his anguish at the pain he’d unwittingly caused her, and climbing with dignity and courage (twice) to whatever fate awaited him at the top of that scaffolding; of William Bell in Olivia’s body, creeping us all out when he spoke through her mouth. Their performances shocked us, exhilarated us, chilled us and made us cry, and they should not go unacknowledged.
So we’re not going to let them.
We, the fans of Fringe, who’ve watched, tweeted, worried and campaigned for our show, are now going to take it one step further. We’re making our own awards, dubbed the “Blue Moon Awards” (because it’ll be a blue moon before science fiction is recognized as an effective vehicle for dramatic storytelling) and we’re sending them to the cast. ALL of the cast. Because Fringe is an ensemble show, and every actor on it adds to it’s texture and uniqueness, and we love every one of them. So if you’re here, and you’re a Fringe fan, we’re asking for your help. We’re seeking to raise $500-$600 for the purpose of buying, engraving, and shipping our own awards to the season four production studio in Vancouver. The awards will be crystal “iceburgs” and will include recognition of:
John Noble – for his outstanding lead performances as Walter Bishop, and Walternate Bishop
Anna Torv – for her outstanding lead performances as Olivia Dunham, Altlivia Dunham, and William Bell
Joshua Jackson – for his outstanding lead performance as Peter Bishop
Jasika Nicole – for her outstanding supporting performance as Astrid Farnsworth
Blair Brown – for her outstanding supporting performance as Nina Sharp
Lance Reddick – for his outstanding supporting performance as Phillip Broyles
Kirk Acevedo – for his outstanding supporting performance as Charlie Francis
And Seth Gabel – for his outstanding supporting performance as Lincoln Lee
Packaged with each award will be a personalized letter to the actor, detailing why we wish to honor them, and including any personal messages donors might wish to send along. We’re looking at a few different styles for the awards themselves, please check them out and vote for your preference.
We’re not a charity, and nothing you donate will be tax deductible. But you will be part of a historic fan campaign that could potentially spill over into some good promotion for the show, and will hopefully put some big smiles on the faces of those who work so hard to entertain us. Any funds left over after the awards are paid for will be donated to http://www.autismspeaks.org, a charity organization supported by the Fringe team.
Please give generously if you can. Our first goal is to honor the actors who’ve been repeatedly snubbed despite their amazing performances, but I can’t help but think they’d be even more honored to hear we raised a good amount for Autism in their names.
I am so joining in this project. It is an AWESOME idea. They already know we love them. But this will let them know just how much we really do! Our cast, writers, crew and producers are just AMAZING! And as for the show itself….well its totally stands out from all the rest! It is truly the most BRILLIANT and CREATIVE show on tv ever!!!!!
We’re also still looking for a line or two of flavor text for some of the supporting cast if anyone has any suggestions. Or if anyone has an idea for alternate text on the leads. This project belongs to all of us, and we’re open to input.
Lyn, you are the bomb! 😀
Brilliant Idea!! Love it! maybe
Brilliant Idea!! Love it! only suggestion would be is that maybe you can put the phrase “You have no idea how extraordinary you are” to all the cast members and the writers because they are all extraordinary.
Sorry the laptop turned off, while typing… so completing my comment, maybe i think, i’ll be able to save some money and pitch in 😀 Lol Kyle started his comment same as mine! because i agree this idea is Brilliant!
Looks like the votes are going to the simplest versions, but we want to personalize them by putting a line of flavor text on each award, something specific to the actor. “You have no idea how extraordinary you are” is by far the best one – we’re still looking for ideas for the rest of them. 🙂
I’m gonna move these comments to the main BMA page, so we have at least some kind of barrier between the “A” word and the big old internet…
That’s really a good idea!! I always think I’m lucky to be one of the Fringies, to know such a great show ever, to know that there are fans so royal and so sweet to our beloved cast and crew. It’s really happy to know that I’m with you such brilliant fans!!! Fringe is the best show I’ve ever seen, and all the cast deserve that. It’t worthy for us to do this for them. 🙂
Sorry it took me so long to get on board with this! Can’t believe I missed hearing about it before now… I should probably start paying more attention to Twitter again with Fringe starting up soon eh? 😉
Fantastic idea, and thanks for organizing this!
i just find out this! is it too late to donate??
Hey birdandbear, that is so awesome. I’ve said it too many times, we should have our own awards. Glad you are doing it.
I don’t do twitter or facebook and so just found out about it. Is is too late to donate, and where do I go to donate?
Well as it happens, y’all aren’t the only ones who’ve asked, so we’ve decided to reopen the donations. Update above. 😀
Thanks, just made my donation.
Where do we send the letter, note or artwork to? Is it seetheturtle@yahoo.com?
Awesome! Thanks! You can send it to seetheturtle, but I use bandobuggered@gmail.com much more frequently. 🙂
Thank you! I will get working on it. Again, I don’t know what I’m doing so I send you an email asking whether I can do individual notes to each one or just one for all?
Thanks for being patient with me 🙂
I also just read about this amazing project, I sure want to be a part of it! I just donated, thinking about a letter now, so amazing! Really want to let them now how much I appreciate them and how amazing they are!
Just saw Aimee’s post today! What a fabulous idea! I just sent a donation, hope it’s not too late. And if there’s still time to include a message? I’d love to do that as well.
Thanks so much to the organizers. It’s so nice to give back to the folks that give us so much.
Any chance we could include some Red Vines or a bottle of scotch with those awards? LoL
Thanks again for the chance to participate!
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