Blue Moon Awards Photos
Well they’re off, winging their way to their destinations as I type. Jeff and Joel’s package is bound for LA, and the rest are on their way to Canada. The box sent to LA should arrive this Friday before the end of the day, and the rest should make their way to the cast around Oct 12, barring any customs hold ups. We’ll have to trust J&J to help keep our secret for a week or so – somehow I doubt they’ll mind. 😉
All of the named recipients are getting a little booklet filled with fan art and letters. There’s also a booklet for the crew to accompany theirs, and there are about 150 copies of their letter as well – hopefully enough for everyone who’s interested to have something physical to take home. There’s a master scrapbook with copies of everything that wasn’t addressed to any specific person – sent with J&J’s – and one more booklet I won’t talk about (yet).
Sooo excited about this!!! Thank you thank you Annie for all your hard work!!!
Hi! Thanks for the great work! Have you gotten any responses yet?
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