2011 Blue Moon Award Donors
- Aimee Long (@aimeeinchains) – Ironton, Ohio US
- Ana Ortega (@atmexD) – Mexico
- Anastasia (bubblevillefan) – Novosibirsk, Russia
- Annie Burnaman (@birdandbear) – Fort Worth, Texas US
- Arturo Garcia – Miami, Florida US
- Brittney Pueblo (@Bmap2A) – Utah US
- Carrie (@evilVAGENDA) – New York City US
- Chris Fink (cortexifan) – Colorado US
- Chrissie (@crossesallover) – Germany
- Colin Burnaman – Fort Worth, Texas US
- Diana Davis (@DianaD76) – Toronto, Ontario Canada
- Emma Dallimore (@dalliel) – Jersey UK
- Evelyn Jank (@yorterrie) – Germany
- Gloria Garuz (@GloGaruz) – Barcelona, Spain
- Hilda Bowen (@PBMom) – The Woodlands, Texas US
- Jennifer Christen (@jcklost) – Europe
- Jill Chapman (@annatorv.com)
- Karen Sydney (@karensydney) – Santa Monica, California US
- Katie Dawson (@katiez)
- Kelly (@Fringeship) – California, US
- Ketil Trollvang – Haugesund, Norway
- Kristin Baylor – Washington, US
- Kristin (@FraggleBerlin) – Berlin, Germany
- Kristina Hammock (@kristinahammock) – BLoomington Springs, Tennessee US
- Lynette Pearse (@runpaceyrun) – Melbourne, Australia
- Lynn Finch (@DixieGirl256) – Indiana/Tennessee US
- Soco Hernandez (@bluerenoir) – Las Vegas, Nevada US
- Maria Laura Bisconti – Argentina
- Nadine Ramsden – Vancouver, BC Canada
- Bastian (@Ocean5oul) – Germany
- Nicky Spring in t’ Veld (@Nickyspr) – The Netherlands
- Nikolai Svakhin (@nikolai3d) http://about.me/nikolai3d – Silicon Valley, California US
- Pam Chilton (@fringeobsessed1) Boston, Massachusetts US
- Raphael Andrade Bragan (@raphaelbragan) – Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- red licorice (@redlicorice47) – Italy
- Rylee Scott – San Diego, California US
- Shay (@LetItPlayOut) – Seattle, Washington US
- Suzanne Irwin (@goldemnonkey7) – Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
- Tania G. (@taychill) – Luxembourg
- Tiffany Thompson (@peterinblue) – Asher, Oklahoma US
- @greyandsmart – Germany/Bavaria
- Viktorija MurÄne (@fandomlovevi) – Latvia
Thank you all so much!
And a very special thanks to @aimeeinchains, @DianaD76, @goldenmonkey7 and @Fringeship for helping write the letters to the cast, and to everyone who submitted letters/artwork for the packets.
such an awesome way to support the cast and crew and show them that they are award worthy in our eyes. did gene get one?
@loveablackcat We’ll ask those who donate how they’d like to be identified on a list of contributors. Like this: http://t.co/xh65UJUl
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