
Prepare for GetGlue: A List of Fringe Advertisers from Last Week — 6 Comments

  1. I just wanted to say that in the beginning, I wasn’t a strong believer in this method, but I have 100% changed my mind. Last week, I was on Nissan Leaf’s facebook page and saw how they were being totally flooded by love from the Fringedom. Every single Fringie’s comment was “liked” by Nissan Leaf and some even got comments from them too. This opened my eyes and made me realize that we really could make a difference. I also added my two cents by commenting on their facebook page, thanking them for their support. To my surprise and excitement Nissan Leaf commented back:
    “We love the support Fringe fans are showing the Nissan LEAF! We’ll let you in on a little secret: We’re making another cameo February 3.”
    To other Fringies like me, who were skeptical about this method -PLEASE don’t be! If we were able to get recognised with just this handfull of Fringe comments, just think what we could do if we could double that, or triple that -and I know we could, you guys are out there.

  2. I passed this info to a relevant thread on imdb: LINK … adding my two cents that it would be great if someone had time to seek out the contact links for each advertiser and post the hot links someplace like here, we could then further spread the word and get this army of gratitude on the march.

    I’ll help as much as I can.

  3. Pingback:Fringenuity Campaign Archives | more than one of everything

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