
Be A Better Man: #Fringe Twitter Event – February 17, 2012 — 18 Comments

  1. I’ve been thinking that these events have been successful at getting Fringe trending but it hasn’t been a huge help in the ratings. I think its because we may be getting a lot of people’s attention but it doesn’t matter unless that person is a nielsen family. I guess it’s too late for this week but maybe next weeks campaign we should just go right after them and make the hashtag something like #nielsenfamily or #nielsenviewer or #nielsenviewerpleaseturnonfox. There are approximately 250,000,000 tv’s in america and 25,000 nielsen boxes. That means every nielsen viewer counts as 10,000 viewers. That means if we reach just 10 through this hashtag, it’s another 100,000 viewers. I think its worth a shot.

    • Hi Jeff, while your enthusiasm is appreciated, please understand that our goal has specifically never been the Nielsen ratings. And yes, everyone does matter. That is the point of Fringenuity. Even international fans matter because Warner Brothers makes money from selling Fringe overseas. I suggest reading our article, “Not Nielsen: How to Overcome Invisibility” –

      “What not to do: Don’t dwell on the Nielsen ratings, there’s nothing any of us can do about them. Fringe has hung on this long, and I’m confident that between its passionate fan base, its DVR ratings, and its network support (Fox really does love the show) it’s in no immediate danger. If you do choose to contact Fox, or Warner Bros. or any sponsors: be enthusiastic, sincere and extremely polite. Don’t beg. Don’t bother starting “Save Our Show!!!” petitions; they carry no weight at all with anyone, and just appear desperate and pathetic. Nothing is more likely to make someone not want to watch a show that the idea that it’s in danger of cancellation. We’re simply here to promote what we love because we love it, and because the world is so pitifully full of people who’d love it too if they knew it existed.”

  2. Pingback:Fringenuity Campaign Archives | more than one of everything

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