Icon Packs and Banners – April 27th #Fringe Twitter Event
We have only 3 more episodes to show FOX, Warner Bros., executive producers, writers, cast and crew the love this great fandom has for Fringe through Social Media campaigns. While we all wait for news of renewal, we cannot stress how important your consistent and enduring support has been to ensure our voices are heard.
Here are the icons you can choose from for this Friday’s twitter event!
Examples from @Cheribot:
Download Cheri’s icons here – WA- Cheribot.zip
Examples from @SarahProost (3 styles to choose from!):
Download Sarah’s icons here – WA – SarahProost.zip
Examples from @zort70:
Download Ian’s icons here – WA – zort70.zip
From @PietroVescovo the following animated .gif icon is offered:
@greyandsmart offers this set of icons below:
This week talented Fringies created 3 banner designs that can be used to spread the word about campaigns.
Design by @Frozenaura:
Design by @Flow_L:
Design by @wombat06:
And here are some Twitter skins/tower banners from @birdandbear. The Olivias have been retouched and lots of colors added! (Walter coming soon):
Download the collection here: Fringenuity Twitter Skins.zip
Thank you Fringies for your unwavering support and generosity in taking time to promote and participate in these campaigns. We may be #WorldsApart geographically but in social media spaces, we gather and are united. Remember, it is never too late to get new viewers and fans involved in our campaigns. See you all on Twitter and GetGlue Friday!
Hello Fringies! Icon packs and banners are now posted! – http://t.co/t20cX8eS. RT please. 🙂
Iconos y Banners para la campaña del viernes: http://t.co/RD7VZ5DA #FRINGE
Selamat sore…. ini preview utk icon [hastag] Worlds Apart … cek di http://t.co/EsyL8XIK untuk full icons http://t.co/hwZz6ZIZ
@spuffy86 Grazie ma ne trovi altri incredibili qui http://t.co/Uyn0pFFV
#FringeFriday Icons…get your icons! http://t.co/8t0XhSy4
@LavacadeFringe @QlaVacadFringeF esta semana Gene tiene icono para la campaña! http://t.co/Q8aKzUT8
Icon Packs and Banners – April 27th #Fringe Twitter Event http://t.co/lKByatAe Countdown + Infos http://t.co/gFfcEOFV
Icons and Banners for this weeks #FringeFriday twitter campaign: http://t.co/JRWDPhfX
#Fringe fans, icon packs and banners for (#)WorldsApart @Fringenuity twitter campaign now available! http://t.co/MsUNcdYp“
choose your #Fringe Icon+Banner for tomorrow (#)WorldsApart event http://t.co/vgaMhMWF Countdown http://t.co/rnJJE7n8
New icon and fb banner packs for @FRINGEonFOX friday!! http://t.co/jYPdL7uu #WorldsApart #FRINGE #SaveOneShow
#Fringe Twitter Campaign of tomorrow! Icon and Banners at http://t.co/vgaMhMWF http://t.co/JCfezpeX
Get your # WorldsApart icons here for tomorrow night 🙂 http://t.co/SXDaasrq #Fringe http://t.co/vc1d7tPM @GetGlue @FRINGEonFOX
icons & banners for Worlds Apart #fringefriday http://t.co/EBaLIeSP
Pingback:Fringe Campaign On Twitter and Get Glue | Welcome To Fringe
I post this on my blog. It’s in spanish.
I love the series and I’m so happy because they renew the series.
Lol!! Twitter skins added to the icon pack. Olivia has been retouched and lots of colors added, Peter now available! 🙂 http://t.co/2pEXlJsL
Quem não mudou o avatar pra camanha mude ainda da tempo 😀 http://t.co/gk7jd28q #FringeEvent