Summer Re-watch and Dissection at MTOofE
Feels like it’s been quite awhile since Brave New World Part 2….was it really only two weeks ago?
Since the finale, the Fringenuity team has been enjoying a little break in which to catch up on everything else that’s not Fringe, but fear not! We have some really cool activities to keep us busy through this long (long!) summer. After a little bit of spring cleaning, we’re ready to announce the first of those: an ambitious summer re-watch and dissection of every episode of Fringe.
We aim to cover an episode a day for most of the summer, starting this Fringe Friday, June 01. This is an interactive project that depends on volunteers and participants, so if you have time please join us! Announcement and more information follows – looking for a discussion leader for the Pilot ASAP!
Announcement: Summer re-watch and dissection starting 06/01
by birdandbear » Sun May 27, 2012 10:39 pm

The way it works is simple: Sign up for the episode(s) of your choice, and post a recap/analysis when the scheduled date arrives, keeping in mind the goal of generating discussion for that episode. Personal opinions and wild theories are welcome as we take an in depth look at Fringe episode by episode and as a whole, making connections across four seasons. Once opened by the episode leader, discussions will stay open indefinitely, making it easy to jump in at your convenience. We’ll strive to cover an episode a day for the first three seasons, and then take a short break for those attending The Fringe Event before we finish up Season Four in time for the fall premier.
Signups for episode leads are currently only open for the first season. Future season signups will open as we get closer to their scheduled dates, provided there’s enough interest in dissecting the first half of season one.
This is Fringenuity’s first attempt at a strictly forum based activity, please bear with us as we feel things out. We’ll do our best to stick to the schedule provided, but that sorta depends on our lead volunteers, so sign up NOW!!
For more information, please see:
New post: Summer Re-watch and Dissection at MTOofE
@camyshe Well I will be watching one epi w/ a fringie every Friday..but you know about this LOL so no XFiles or Friends
@B3ttyF @camyshe read this
#Fringe Summer Re-watch and Dissection at MTOofE FAQ: Season 1 signup: RT!
@PennyLaine_ Yup there is – it’s all here @Fringenuity. Not only #Fringe unites us all tho, we can chat anytime xD
En Fringenuity también van a hacer una revisión de Fringe desde el piloto ¡diaria! Podéis hacer vuestra propia…
@FringeLatino @PennyLaine_ Y luego se debatirá, (yo pienso que es algo complicado) Aquí mas información
#Fringe Summer re-watch and episode dissection starts today. Who’s going to watch the Pilot and share their thoughts?