Comic-Con Fringe Panel is Coming: Let’s Rock Twitter!
To celebrate Fringe’s final Comic-con panel, we’re asking the Twitterverse to try to trend two (2) hashtags, one before the panel, and one during the panel.
What better way to kick off all of the excitement for the fifth season than to spread the word that #TheyAreComing?
When news broke that executive producer Jeff Pinkner left the show—leaving co-pilot Joel Wyman as Fringe’s singular showrunner—some fans were worried about how the amicable departure would affect the show’s creative direction in the upcoming fifth season.
Joel accepted the role of executive producer during Fringe’s second season. The team formed between Pinkner and Wyman gave us an accelerated Fringe story, diving right in to the underpinning mythology of the series. Their combined writing talents penned many amazing episodes such as August, Olivia, Entrada, and The Firefly. They also collaborated with other writers on the majority of pivotal episodes in the series.
Even so, we’re not worried. Joel has cultivated an amazing reciprocal relationship with fans. He loves the show dearly, and has made it known just how much he understands the desire of fans to see our beloved show and characters receive the ending that they deserve. Fans that have met him have described just how passionate he is about Fringe—that he loves what he does.
Let’s show some appreciation for the talented and hardworking man behind the curtain: The man that wears many hats; executive producer, writer, director and showrunner.
We’re going to tweet #InWymanWeTrust during the Comic-Con Fringe panel.
Comic-Con Fringe Panel Event Protocol
Please read carefully.
Event time = Sunday, July 15
We will tweet the hashtags:
#TheyAreComing at 12: 30 PM EST (9:30 AM PST)
#InWymanWeTrust at 1:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PST)
(Need your local time? Here’s a time converter.)
- Do Not include any other #’s in your tweets (such as #Fringe) One hashtag (#) per tweet.
- Please do not tweet these hashtags until the event times.
- Don’t use any hashtag until its allotted timeframe.
- Steadily tweet over time. We want these to stay in the trends for as long as possible.
- In the tweets for #TheyAreComing, give your reasons why you’re exited about season five.
- In the tweets for #InWymanWeTrust, give reasons why you’re confident that Fringe is in good hands.
- Be sure to mention Fringe. You may also want to talk about “Fringe at Comic Con.”
- You may want to include @JWFringe in a tweet, but try to limit spamming his Twitter.
- Pass this around to wherever Fringe fans may hang out. The more unique people that tweet the hashtags at the same time, the more likely they are to trend.
Icons for the Comic-Con Fringe Panel Twitter event!
We are really fortunate to have some talent in our Fringie pool. @SarahProost and @Cheribot have gracious created some icons for this special Comic-Con event.
#TheyAreComing Icons
Two sets by Sarah:
Full set of icons in many more colors can be downloaded here – Sarah – TAC
#InWymanWeTrust Icons
Icons by Sarah:
Full set of Sarah’s icons can be downloaded here – Sarah – IWWT
Icons by Cheri:
Full set of Cheri’s icons can be downloaded here – Cheri – IWWT
Going to be at the Panel?
There is a special project for those fans that will be attending the Fringe Comic-con panel. You will want to read about @flowerrings’ White Tulip Project here.
Be sure to check-in at GetGlue during the panel for a special Fringe Comic-con sticker.
Nueva campaña para apoyar a #Fringe en Twitter para el Comic-Con del Dom 15/07 vía @Fringenuity
@SFSeriesMovies Blame it on #Fringe! Spread the word about this!
@missiwanrheon haha okay 😀 Fringe panel is on July 15th & for the campaign you better have a look at this: 🙂
#Fringe Comic-Con Twitter Takeover…Checkout the details!
Twitter Campaign for next Sunday! More info: #Fringe
ICYMI: #Fringe Twitter event for Comic-Con, Sunday, July 15. Let’s show our excitement for S5 & our trust in JW 🙂
@Fringe__UK @Fringespain @FringeGermany @FringeIndo @fringeargentina Please remind your fans about this event! 😀
#Fringe SDCC Twitter Event – July 15th. Details found here – via @Fringenuity
I’ll spread the word …. but i may not be able to participate in the event. Sadly … the panel is on Sunday and due to time differences i will be at work on monday in australia. Timezonesare a major pain!!!!!
Important announcement regarding Fringe Panel at #ComicCon2012
Comic-Con #Fringe Panel is Coming: Let’s Rock Twitter! @GetGlue @FRINGEonFOX
T-5 days for SDCC #Fringe panel. Keep spreading the word about THE BIG EVENT: Let’s Rock Twitter!!
#FRINGE Sunday #SDCC Twitter Event! Get all the details here! Let’s rock Twitter Fringies!
@kralipala Read this. Don’t use hashtags till designated day/time, and please SPREAD THE WORD! Thank you so much!!!
@JosephyneT Not sure that’ll happen, I hope so. @Fringenuity has put together a special twitter event. Details here:
Comic-Con #Fringe Panel Twitter Event: Post updated w/ ICONS! Info here – Support this great show! RT Please.
Iconos y avatares para la campaña de este domingo en Twitter:
Comic-Con Fringe Panel is Coming: Let’s Rock Twitter! via @zite
Hello, Fringies! This is my daily reminder of our Twitter campaign on Sunday. Please RT to all #Fringe contacts!! *hug*
Awesome idea to support the best show on television! Please participate in this TWITTER EVENT Fringies. Let’s get trending!!! Also, to support Fringes 5th Season and the show in general, please come and ‘like’ “The Fringies Page”. We have lots of exciting discussions after every episode, we have our first official competition coming up and are about to do our own Season 4 re-watch with review videos for each episode. We have also participated in every “Fringe Twitter Campaign” since #WhereIsPeterBishop and have daily Fringie goodies like our “Fringie Video of The Day”, where we share the best of YouTube’s Fringe fan videos! All our followers are devoted Fringe fans and have helped support the show with every single campaign both on Twitter and in many different polls, such as TV Guide Magazine’s Fan Favorites Awards for which FRINGE won Favorite Drama! Our Fringies keep helping us get many new viewers on board by spreading the word and lending out those Fringe DVD’s. “The Fringies Page” together with Fringies from all across the web we have rallied this amazing show (that we believe every person should experience, sci-fi fan or not) every step of the way into the 5th Season. We NEVER gave up!
One of our biggest goals now is to make people aware that FRINGE is not just for sci-fi fans, because it really isn’t. Fringe is an amazing story about love, family and the human spirit. We believe that fans of every genre should experience Fringe! It is a show for everyone and a show everyone should experience in their lifetime.
So, if you’re a Fringie and want to show your love and support for FRINGE, please click on the link and give us a ‘like’. We are currently trying to get 1’500 followers by Fringes Comic-con Panel, so if you can help out it will be greatly appreciated. We WELCOME and encourage Fringies from all across the globe to come and like our page as Fringies speak a universal language! So come check us out!
Love and hugs to all from “The Fringies Page”
<– Want to know more about this icon? #Fringe #SDCC twitter event – Join us 🙂
Who’s joining the #Fringe fandom on Twitter this weekend as we celebrate the final Comic-Con panel? Retweet! #SDCC
Fringies, go to Fringenuity’s page and download one of the COOL SPECIAL ICONS designed for the EVENT! GO #FRINGE!
@marisaroffman For those that could not attend last #Fringe panel at SDCC, we’ll be celebrating with a twitter event.
@salanderian here is a link with all the info:
Tomorrow: #SDCC #Fringe Panel is Coming: Let’s Rock Twitter! Check-in at GetGlue for a special Fringe sticker. RT!
@Elialys This is for the post. 🙂 Thank you.
@jonxproductions Ari, Join in with us all tomorrow: 😀
@medoragrace My Gosh Samantha haha..Here
#Fringe fans on twitter, let us not forget Join us tomorrow July 15 for Twitter event – #SDCC
Don’t forget about our tags got today. More info: @GetGlue @FRINGEonFOX
Soon on Twitter: Fringedom goes crazy xD. #SDCC #Fringe Panel We will rock Twitter!
<— That happens when you can’t decide!!! But now I’m ready for that: or that: (German)
All Fringies! RT! A #Fringe MUST READ!
The clock is ticking. Be ready for the #Fringe #SDCC panel Twitter trending madness 🙂
Fringies rocking twitter in just under half an hour. Check out the details here: #Fringe
“@TheFringeEvent: Fringies rocking twitter in just under half an hour. Check out details here: #Fringe” Join the fun
Oh, crap. I’ts finally hitting me, the last season, the last panel… 🙁 #Fringe #SDCC I’m getting sad…
Tweetout in 2 minutes! (#)TheyAreComing @ 9:30am PST & (#)InWymanWeTrust @ 10:00am PST. @GetGlue
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@MLMurray23 Here is the link and background 🙂