Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)Turning Point
#ForTheRecord “For The Record” is still trending!!! Fringe fans don’t F Around!
— Ari Margolis (@jonxproductions) October 13, 2012
We did good Cortexifans. Real Good. Last week’s event was exceptionally successful, #ForTheRecord. Fringe fans initiated this tag, but other users picked it up and our little fandom creation trended in various locations worldwide, and for an extended duration in many of them. Hopefully, some may have been curious enough to check it out and saw something about this little-show-that-could… Our faithful number-cruncher @Fringeship will be reporting on past events soon. She’s a busy woman, but her love for Fringe knows no bounds. 🙂
It is also fitting that another element in an episode was used to symbolize Fringe fans. In the Premiere, we could see our fandom’s resilience in that of dandelions. In The Recordist, the young child — River — symbolized the fans. His comic books were definitely a shout-out to our various creative works such as fan fiction, art, and the numerous other ways that fans express our imaginative sides due to the show’s tremendous inspiration. It is interesting to note that the actual author/artist of the comic books is a Fringe crew member named Trevor Metz. So thanks, Trevor!
Fringe fans have certainly made history in our endeavors, and I’m currently in the middle of recording it.
And we are still making history that you can be part of.
The last we saw our heroes, the family took off in the old Vista Cruiser, which Peter once again brought back from the dead.
Each Fringe season follows a pattern, and traditionally, the fourth episode of the season is quite momentous. Think back to The Arrival, Momentum Deferred, Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep, and Subject 9. Each of these added a pivotal new element to the ongoing story; good or bad. Everyone who has been able to view the episode early has advised that tissues are required equipment, and it’s a gamechanger.
The Bullet that Saved the World promises to be a:
Most of you all know the gig by now, but take some time to refresh yourself. We also have a couple of extra goals mentioned at the end of the event protocol.
Be sure to make your first tweet of the night a thank you to @FoxBroadcasting and @WarnerBrosEnt for making season five possible.
1) Don’t use #TurningPoint before the designated time: 1 HOUR before Fringe airs.
The event will take place 1 hour before Fringe airs – 8pm EDT — October 12. Gently remind others that use the tag before the event to wait until the right time, and tell them that using the tag too much beforehand will lessen trending impact. This happened when Fringe fans tried to trend #WhereIsPeterBishop for the season four premiere. The # had been used all summer long, was not anything new on the Twitter radar, so it did not trend. Trending happens with terms that are relatively new, and many people tweet about them at the same time. Terms break out onto the scene, but trending becomes more difficult the more they are used. Be nice! We want everyone to feel welcome.
2) One # term per Tweet. Use only #TurningPoint (What Are Hashtags?)
3) Lots of people tweeting matters more than the number of tweets.
Tell everyone Fringie about the event. There is strength in numbers – remember that the more unique tweeters we have, the more likely we are to trend, and for a longer duration of time. Send your tweets out steadily – remember to pace yourself. You want to avoid “Twitter Jail.” Sustained tweeting over time matters. T
Trending can be a distraction, but we need you to keep those wonderful tweets coming. You may have also noticed that the # will drop off the charts after a while, only to trend again when Fringe airs. This is due to other viewers joining in by tweeting the hashtag on the bottom of the screen.
4) Those with lots of followers help out a lot!
Alternate accounts with few followers do not have as much “influence” towards trending. But tweets from accounts like @JWFringe, @FringeOnFox, @VancityJax and @johnnob58004412 make a big impact. Let’s try to build our Fringe fan follower networks. One easy way is to follow people on fan Twitter lists. Here is my Cortexifan list. Follow some Fringies! Another way is to follow some folks on Twitter “Follow Fridays.” You may have seen tweets that are tagged #FF – followed by a bunch of twitter names. This is because they are recommended people to follow.
5) We want to pique the interest of non-Fringe fans.
This is the key to our trending duration success. It gives a chance to get our message about Fringe out to another audience. Try to construct a list of thoughtful and informative tweets before the event. These can be copied and pasted for easy tweets. Use some witty Fringe sayings – link some of the official promo videos – speculate about what happened to September, or where you think the tapes are hidden. Cool tweets are more likely to earn re-tweets, and this immensely helps trending.
6) We can discuss aspects of the show in our tweets.
TRY to include the word FRINGE (with no #) in your tweet if possible. Talk about the characters and the actors. Maybe use the episode title, The Recordist. We’ve recently been able to trend Fringe, Broyles, John Noble, and William Bell!
This week, I have a feeling that Peter Bishop might be a good phrase to use….
7) Private accounts must have their locked status removed, as the tweets from locked accounts do not count toward the trend tally.
8) Retweets are the easiest way to help out the trending effort.
Just search for the hashtag, and retweet the ones that are interesting to you. If you know how to use a Twitter application suite like TweetDeck or HootSuite, this is made even easier.
9) Remember to check in at GetGlue for cool stickers and so that Fringe will trend there as well.
If you are in the U.S. and have an iPhone or Android phone, give Viggle a try. Their check-ins are included in the data of several prominent social television analysis companies.
Fringe is being beaten in a TV Guide poll in which the winner will be featured on a cover issue as a Fan Favorite. Please look over this information and vote.
Watch @jonxproduction’s trailer for the episode (There are flashes from the episode, for the spoiler free, but I have no clue about the context of the images.)
@johnnob58004412 Info about this week’s Fringe fan Twitter event, if you’re interested in what we do, John.
#Fringe tag for next friday -> (#)TurningPoint more here
#Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)Turning Point
more than one of everything » Blog Archive » Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)Turning Point –
#Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 – (#)TurningPoint More info: Watch Fringe live!
Happy Naked Tuesday!! Next Fringe Twitter Event is in 3 days 11 hours 32 min. Designated hashtag: (#)Turning Point
#Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)TurningPoint:
#Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)Turning Point Watch it live, please!
#Fringe Twitter Protocol! Sounds like we are in for a massive episode.
Fan art for (#)TurningPoint #Fringe Twitter event more info here: Please RT!
Friday’s codeword for #Fringe is TurningPoint. Pass it along!
#Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 (#)Turning Point Twitter icons – dark: light:
AGREED!!! “@Fringenuity: #Fringe Twitter Event 10/26/12 : We’ve Reached a (#)TurningPoint:”
doing some #Fringe avatars at the moment for the twitter event on friday…
@Hogscald I’ll try to watch it live, as always 🙂 . Will you join the Twitter event?
You in? #Fringe
Today is the day: #Fringe 5.04! Get your Icon join the tweetout: Watch it live + DVR + rewatch!
Tonight promises to be a (#)TurningPoint for #Fringe. Join us at 8pm ET for the tweet-out!
Details of tonight’s #Fringe Twitter event here. Come join the Cortexifan party… @Fringenuity
Are you ready to get your #Fringe on tonight? Details of Twitter event here…
Happy #FringeFriday! Join us tonight and watch the episode live! #GetGlue #fringe
#Fringe Tweet Party in less than 2 Hours…Your invitation is right here…
Tonight’s #Fringe Twitter event starts in 10 minutes! Here’s what you need to know.
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