Looking for Submissions for Fringe Fan History Book
Fringe book update:
I am deep in the process of writing the manuscript for the Fringe fan book. While doing so, I need to go to the people that make the book possible: The fans.
One of the chapters of the book will feature short segments from fans. It will be titled, “Real is a Matter of Perception.”
*** I have received 15 submissions from fans from around the world. But I’m looking for more. ***
I am looking for 200-400 words about your:
1) Experiences in the Fringe fandom. Examples of things to think about include, how did you start watching the show, when did you delve into more active fandom, and what does Fringe mean to you.
2) If possible, relate how Fringe has changed your life.
As a separate request, I am also interested in people’s experiences with the following:
1) Creation of fan creative works such as fan fiction, vidding, blogs, podcasts, art, or any creative outlet to express love for Fringe. Examples include painting vehicles with Fringe art, creating Fringe inspired food, getting Fringe tattoos, etc.
2) Encounters in meeting Fringe cast, or in visiting the Fringe set.
3) Information about international fan involvement.
4) Experience from fans in the Live Journal or Reddit community, as I have little experience with them.
- As far as submissions you may use a real name or an online screen-name. No anonymous submissions.
- Not all submissions are guaranteed inclusion in the book. I will try, but reserve the right to not use any material.
- By submitting, you are granting me the rights to use your submissions in this book.
- You agree that the material may be edited for punctuation, spelling, grammar, and style. I may choose to use whole or part of the submission.
- Your experiences may be used in other chapters of the book, if appropriate.
- No payment, but submissions used will be credited as an important part of this history.
- I may also make further contact requesting an interview via email and/or Skype.
- Please make submissions to author Aimee C. Long at fringefanbook @gmail.com by January 18, 2012.
I can be contacted on Twitter:
@aimeeinchains or @fringefanbook
New post: Looking for Submissions for Fringe Fan History Book http://t.co/BpYtJTRA
@naddycat Would you be interested in making a submission? http://t.co/Zw3sz2gI I am highly interested in info about The Fringe Network.
I’ve rec’d many good submissions, but I’m still looking for more. Heavily working on my book over the hiatus. http://t.co/Zw3sz2gI #Fringe
@FraggleBerlin Did you see this? http://t.co/7s2R08S4
@Elialys Ambre, would you be interested in writing about your Fringe fandom experiences? http://t.co/7s2R08S4
I can definitely write something interesting, seeing as the show did change my life in the short time that I’ve been watching it. Expect something from me soon. 🙂
@RaggedyObserver Details about fan submissions are here: http://t.co/Zw3sz2gI @birdandbear