
Ambergram Donors — 8 Comments

  1. I finally get to see my name in print!! 😀 LOL! Just so happy I could find some money to donate. Times are tough here, but there’s not much I wouldn’t do for Fringe!!! Ambergrams was a fantastic idea!!

  2. Thank you everyone involved in this project. And thank you all Fringe fans everywhere. The crew LOVED the coins. I find it hard to fathom the effort that must have gone into their creation. Thank you so much. They are truly works of art, beautifully capturing the spirit of Fringe and all it symbolizes. In fact, this will probably be the only physical momento I keep from my time working on Fringe. Of all the “crew gifts” we have received over the seasons, this one means the most to me. It will be treasured. I just thought you guys should know.
    We all hope you enjoy the series finale. It was a labor of love by many people over many days and long nights. We are very proud of it and we think you will love it to. Our gift to the fans.

    From the crew of Fringe, thank you very much for your dedication and your love.
    Thanks for being a part of it.
    – Simon, Fringe Camera Crew

    • Oh Simon, what a lovely comment! People often work so hard at their jobs for very little recognition, the coins were meant to make sure that everyone involved knew how much their work was valued by us. Sounds like they achieved it, and that’s wonderful to hear. :’D
      Thanks for taking the time to post! Good luck on your next project, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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