
Poll: How Have You Participated in the #Fringe Fandom? — 24 Comments

  1. I have participated in several of the items but no way to check more than one. I am most proud to say I have went to the Burbank Grand Slam just to see John Noble. I met him, got his autograph and posed for a pucture. I am a non published writer and I will write about my experience and provide pictures if you would like!

  2. I did the last Fringe panel at San Diego Comic Con and held up the White Tulip. I participated in a live recording of the Fringe Podcast with Darrel and Clint at San Diego Comic Con

  3. On our Facebook page we do not forget Fringe, update daily with whatever we find, we participate in the new campaigns twitter for Friday rewatching the show from the beginning. We follow the path of the actors and writers, we tried that Fringies participate, we have a modest forum where people can comment even participate in our FanFic, all in Spanish, but you can also participate in any other languages Fringie everyone is welcome !

    • Well, Kristin… I know a lot of your “crazy things” haha. You can always spill any other “secrets” here. I should really arrange a time for us to chat on Facebook about German Fringies when you have time.

  4. I started the Fringetastic Friends Facebook group. I have had more fun discussing episodes, making theories, and goofing around there with the other members. I also met a small group of people via the group who are now my adopted family. They live all over the US, Canada, South America, and Spain. I literally have family around the world thanks to Fringe!

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