Friday – Cross the Line Back to Where You’ve Never Been
Another promo video for Friday’s Tweetout, by @BlazingPhoenix
Continue reading →Another promo video for Friday’s Tweetout, by @BlazingPhoenix
Continue reading → Fringe fans! Join together as we #CrossTheLine this Friday, January 13 – starting 7 PM EST Please read the Plan and an explanation of Twitter Trending:
Continue reading → Our latest video encouraging fans to #CrossTheLine when Fringe returns Friday, 01/13/12 Important Information: Please read.
Continue reading →Can you keep a secret? On Friday, January 13th, prepare to cross the line. (Don’t use the hash-tag #CrossTheLine at all in any tweets until Friday, January 13th. Two hours before Fringe airs, we will unleash it to the world! So, don’t start using the hash-tag #CrossTheLine until 7:00 PM EST.) Main Wave 7PM EST (12AM GMT) West Coast Wave 7PM PST (10PM EST / 3AM GMT) As Peter Bishop heads back to where he has never been – he will be just like Walter- and he’ll learn just what it means to #CrosstheLine in his quest to make it … Continue reading →
Or a Nissan Leaf… Or a cheeseburger….. So what do these thoughts have to do with Fringe? Plenty. Social Media has been around for a while, with MySpace being one of the biggest early success stories. Then Facebook came along and supplanted itself as top-dog. Twitter has been around in some form for five years, but the micro-blog site is just now really being taken seriously in the realm of providing analytical feedback to television networks and their advertisers. GetGlue takes advantage of both of these platforms. It’s funny that many Fringe fans know way more about TV ratings and … Continue reading →
1.1. This is not good… There are mitigating factors of course, it was a holiday weekend, all networks were down, yadda yadda…still…not good. So it’s time for all good Fringies to saddle up, lock and load, stand and deliver, insert your favorite metaphor – it’s time for us to do that thing we do. We did it last season and we can do it again, but it’s going to take all of us, and our work is cut out. We’re working on some ideas for things to do during the hiatus; if Fringe comes back strong in January it’ll have … Continue reading →
We all know that the LIVE ratings for Fringe aren’t too great. But we need to demonstrate to the businesses that advertise during the show that we are a different kind of viewer, and that their advertising dollars are a bargain spent on Fringe. Fringe fans have always been noted for being passionate. Well, it is time that we put our money on the line to support those that support our beloved show. We’re taking a page from the Chuck fandom playbook, and going to war for Fringe. But this is a good war. Fought by doing things that we … Continue reading →
Everyone knows that TV shows live or die by their Nielsen ratings. A month into the season, several shows have already been axed due to their lack of performance in the ratings system, and several more are in imminent danger. Many argue that the system is antiquated, and that in this fast paced digital age people are consuming their entertainment differently. No one I know has ever been, or ever met a member of a Nielsen family. Genre shows like Fringe exist constantly on the bubble, faithful fans watching and worrying every week over those frustratingly ephemeral numbers. It’s … Continue reading →
Guys, we did it! The package with the stuff for Joel, Jeff and Ari arrived last Friday, and the other box made it to Vancouver today. I’ve made a small donation to, rounding up just a tad ’cause I have this thing about round numbers. Here’s the breakdown of where the money went: Total donation: $845.56 Awards: $447.88 Office Supplies/ink: $265.94 Shipping $107.99 ______________________ Total Expenses: $821.81 $23.75 left over for Autism Donation to Autism Speaks: $25.00 It’s been a real honor. Thanks so much to everyone who donated or otherwise supported the project. You’ve done something that’s … Continue reading →
Feels like I’ve been saying it for weeks, but Fringe fandom is truly something special. I’ve seen fandoms before, I’ve been a part of them, and they can be wonderful and exhilarating in a way that’s wholly unique to sharing a common interest in an idea, or a story, or a show. I’ve seen fans come together and accomplish mighty things when they set their minds to it. I’ve seen (and helped) Browncoats raise over half a million dollars in six years for human rights and other causes. I’ve posted on forums, participated in campaigns, and volunteered at conventions. I … Continue reading →