Joshua Jackson Birthday Trend – Thanks Everyone!
Happy Birthday Joshua Jackson hit the worldwide Twitter trends for a few minutes this afternoon. Thanks to everyone that made it happen!
Continue reading →Happy Birthday Joshua Jackson hit the worldwide Twitter trends for a few minutes this afternoon. Thanks to everyone that made it happen!
Continue reading →Joshua Jackson’s 34th birthday is on Monday, June 11th. Some JJ fans decided it would be really cool if we could try for a Twitter trend on that day. Whether you’re into Fringe, Dawson’s Creek, Mighty Ducks, or anything else/everything else Josh Jackson related, we need you all to listen up. 😀 Joshua Jackson (@VancityJax) Twitter Birthday Event Event time = 12:00 P.M. EST (9 A.M. PST) on Monday, June 11. All at once, we will tweet the phrase “Happy Birthday Joshua Jackson” and any other wishes that you want to include in the tweet. Try not to tweet this … Continue reading →
Feels like it’s been quite awhile since Brave New World Part 2….was it really only two weeks ago? Since the finale, the Fringenuity team has been enjoying a little break in which to catch up on everything else that’s not Fringe, but fear not! We have some really cool activities to keep us busy through this long (long!) summer. After a little bit of spring cleaning, we’re ready to announce the first of those: an ambitious summer re-watch and dissection of every episode of Fringe. We aim to cover an episode a day for most of the summer, starting this … Continue reading →
As promised, this is the first of the last three post on the Fringe campaigns using social networks to voice our support of Fringe. The episode “Worlds Apart” marked the first episode back after Joel Wyman came on twitter to announce that Fringe was picked up for a FIFTH season! The hashtag hit worldwide trends within 10 minutes of the event start time and soon found its way on trends in different countries including Argentina, Indonesia, and United Kingdom to name a few. I’d like to thank fans for diligently collecting information and forwarding it to our attention. (I try … Continue reading →
It has been a long journey and some of you have been part of this incredible socialTV experiment to unite our support for Fringe since the start. Others have since joined as we moved through the second half of season 4 and the weekly hashtags were picked up by FOX. And then there are some of you who have decided to contribute your own talents to these campaigns via icon and banner designs, fanvids to promote events, and other ways (keep reading below). It has been a long and mostly uncertain road but your unwavering devotion and support of the show and our wonderful achievements continue to strike … Continue reading →
We reached the endgame, but we were blindsided at this critical stage when the real master of puppets was revealed: William Bell! Not just a voice – not a CGI rendition – not a stand-in cloaked by shadows: The real Leonard Nimoy. David Robert Jones was revealed to be merely another player on the board, and Bell made it clear he was willing to sacrifice any important piece to achieve his vision. Olivia showed her own further significance in the struggle, as she used her powers to manipulate Peter’s broken body to fight Jones, much like a chess piece. Walter … Continue reading →
We have only 2 more episodes to show why this fandom is so very special in the way we unite together! We would love to see Fringies send off season 4 with a huge (Big) Bang – not of the variety that David Robert Jones is thinking of, but one that will cause waves through social media. It is what we’ve been doing all along and it is what help secure us Season 5. There are a lot of goodies this week in addition to icons and banners so get to downloading and showcasing! Examples from @Cheribot: Download Cheri’s icons … Continue reading →
Dear Fringies, I apologize for the lateness of this post. Real life has a way of interfering when you are trying to geek out over your favorite show. But without further ado, here is the information from the #FightTheFuture campaign for episode 4.19 “Letters in Transit”. The hashtag hit worldwide trends within first ten minutes of event start and trended solidly for approximately 40 minutes. We are noticing a trend where the hashtag reappears again during show start as second wave of Fringies tweet along after seeing the hashtag on the bottom of their TV screens. Some screencaps of #FightTheFuture … Continue reading →
OFFICIALLY PICKED UP FOR 13 EPISODES! Our team thanks FOX/WB and our INCREDIBLE fans for their support. JHW/JP/AG — JOEL WYMAN (@JWFRINGE) April 26, 2012 We did it, Cortexifans! Each and every one of us made a difference! It feels incredible typing “season” finale. There will be a much larger victory/thank you everyone post from Fringenuity soon, but for now, I have to share my personal joy. This renewal is the result of love and dedication from many different people. Like a strong strand of DNA, various little things had to line up and zip together in order to make … Continue reading →
We have only 3 more episodes to show FOX, Warner Bros., executive producers, writers, cast and crew the love this great fandom has for Fringe through Social Media campaigns. While we all wait for news of renewal, we cannot stress how important your consistent and enduring support has been to ensure our voices are heard. Here are the icons you can choose from for this Friday’s twitter event! Examples from @Cheribot: Download Cheri’s icons here – WA- Examples from @SarahProost (3 styles to choose from!): Download Sarah’s icons here – WA – … Continue reading →