
Twitter Icon Packs for Feb 3rd – Astrid Week — 22 Comments

  1. These Astrid icons are awesome. Thanx to @cheribotand @zort70 for the BRILLIANT icons. Please guys …. post them on Jasikas tumblr site so that she can see them. I know she will LOVE them!

  2. Hey guys!
    First of all, I want to thank you all for your awesomeness on behalf of every portuguese fringie. Me and my friends have a whole bunch of shows facebook pages’ and I’m, quite proudly, in charge of the one called Fringe (Portugal).
    I would to ask you if it is possible for the “creative department” to generate a couple of wallpapers – or a single one if it conveys the sense of unity (as well as the fantastic icons) just like the one created for “Back To Where You’ve Never Been” for our facebook pages, because sometimes our fringies are reminded of the events by just looking at the profile image, rather than reading all the post or even watching the video… is it possible?

    Thanks again and stay strong fringedom!

  3. Pingback: Fringenuity Campaign Archives | more than one of everything

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