
Icon Pack(s), Twitter Skins, and Wallpaper – Feb 24th Twitter Event — 19 Comments

  1. Pingback: (@birdandbear) (@birdandbear)

  2. Awesome contributions by everyone this week with the twitter icons and twitter skins. Rockin #Fringe fans are -@sarahproost @cheribot @zort70 @birdandbear & @berry_hearts.Love is indeed the answer!

    • Thanks team! Great work! It takes all of us contributing in Any way we can from organizing, art, or collective tweeting at a precise time, to be a success. Fringe is not just a show, it woke up imaginations and makes people think and best of all, it brings people together. Fringenuity, Fringeship and Fringelove, these have become a beautiful way of life. FRINGETASTIC! ♥

  3. Pingback: Kel (@KAJ112)

  4. Pingback: (@NoniFBC) (@NoniFBC)

  5. Amazing icons guys!! All of them are unique and beautiful! Great job for the last episode before the hiatus! And the wallpapers are THE BEST!

    I had an idea about the campaigns that are done every week! We use the hashtag that is chosen only one hour before the air time of the episode!
    How about making another hashtag that we could use during the week and see if we can trend as well!!!

    Hope you like my idea and it’s not necessary to be done in practice!

  6. Pingback: (@29_victoria) (@29_victoria)

  7. Pingback: (@pohtaytoes) (@pohtaytoes)

  8. Pingback: (@fringe_addict) (@fringe_addict)

  9. Pingback: Rob Franceschini (@tacobellshits)

  10. Pingback: Peter Bishop (@PeterBishopMIT)

  11. Pingback: Peter Bishop (@PeterBishopMIT)

  12. Pingback: Luisa Manresa (@styloluisa)


  14. Pingback: (@ChiAjagu) (@ChiAjagu)

  15. Maybe this information is yet to come. But I’m very curious about the reception/statistics for our latest campaign #LoveIsTheAnswer. Seemed very positive and I had a great time participating.

  16. Pingback: Fringenuity Campaign Archives | more than one of everything

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