June #Fringe Event Alert: Let’s Wish a Happy Birthday to Anna, Lance, and Josh!
June is a month for birthdays in the Fringe universe. We have several cast members whose big day is coming up!
* I also have the cosmic luck of sharing my June 27 b-day with the man himself, J.J Abrams. You can send me condolences for turning 35…
Anyway, we haven’t had a good trending party since… well…. since #WeCrossedTheLine. So, let’s see what we can do for our beloved cast members, eh? We were able to trend for Josh’s birthday last year, so let’s give all three of our Geminis a Twitter party! (Although I regret to inform Mr. Gemini that he is not invited.)
First, we have a celebration for both the lovely Anna Torv & Lance Reddick!
After a bit of mystery, sources have confirmed that June 7 is indeed the birth date for the both of them.
Anna Torv and Lance Reddick (@lancereddick)
Twitter Birthday Event
Event time = 12:00 P.M. EST (9 A.M. PST) on Friday, June 7.
- Get your local time here
Ladies First…
When the event starts, we will tweet the phrase, “Happy Birthday Anna Torv” and any other wishes that you want to include in the tweet.
In a separate tweet, follow-up with the phrase, “Happy Birthday Lance Reddick” and any other wishes.
Alternate between tweeting these two phrases in order to trend them both.
Try not to tweet these phrases until the event time.
You can steadily tweet a few messages with each phrase, but a few over the course of 20-30 minutes should be enough.
Also, if you want to do something meaningful as a gift for Anna, I suggest making a small donation to Oxfam.
Joshua Jackson (@VancityJax)
Twitter Birthday Event
Joshua Jackson’s 35th birthday is on Tuesday, June 11th.
Event time = 12:00 P.M. EST (9 A.M. PST) on Tuesday, June 11.
- Get Your local time here.
All at once, we will tweet the phrase, “Happy Birthday Joshua Jackson” and any other wishes that you want to include in the tweet.
Try not to tweet this phrase until the event time.
You can steadily tweet a few messages with the phrase, but a few over the course of 20-30 minutes should be enough.
Pass this around to wherever Fringe fans may hang out. The more unique people that tweet at the same time, the more likely the phrases are to trend. And as always, the Dawson’s Creek fans are welcome to join in for Josh.
#Fringies let’s do this 😀 June #Fringe Event… http://t.co/15wXcWiXK6
FRINGIES! http://t.co/mgNDm6wqGx
Happy #Fringe Friday to all! There will be a Twitter event today! We have birthdays to celebrate http://t.co/v7dLvlEMe2
Reminder. 🙂 June #Fringe Event… http://t.co/YGLyTePw5M
We have about 40 minutes before ithe birthday event for Anna and Lance:.http://t.co/By5M60AEqe #Fringe
Do we use an @fringenuity or hashtag? Or just tweet the message only? My tweets werent retweeted by Fringenuity
After Anna Torv’s birthday twitter party, the next one comes for Josh!!
Are you already joining us? http://t.co/mlZG6UfuRH
Reminder: Joshua Jackson’s birthday is Tuesday. We’re going to have a Twitter party: http://t.co/By5M60AEqe
#Fringe #DawsonsCreek #Quack?
June #Fringe Event… http://t.co/cT8ov4yd8r
Joshua Jackson has a b-day tomorrow. Join in for a Twitter party at 12 pm EST:
#FRINGE #DawsonsCreek
June #Fringe Event… http://t.co/Z2qmlzESVm
June #Fringe Event… http://t.co/cI6o0pSw9j
Happy birthday to Joshua Jackson! There will be tweeting. http://t.co/v7dLvlEMe2 #Fringe