Finding the Crack
“In the darkness, there’s always a crack. It’s how the light gets in.”
Today has been the darkest of days. The monstrosity we’ve witnessed has left us stunned, grasping to process the unprocessable slaughter of young children. We are heartbroken, seething with rage and grief. Over the last few hours, we’ve had several questions as to whether tonight’s hashtag campaign will proceed as planned, and the short answer is yes, we’ll be there.
These campaigns, that started out as promotion for a TV show, have evolved so far beyond that. To many people, they’ve become symbolic of our community, and of the belief that hope and love are stronger than their opposites. In light of these ideas, and after some discussion, we’ve concluded that cancelling tonight’s event feels too much like letting the light go out just when we need it most.
We’ll tweet for Fringe, because that’s what we do. But we’ll also be tweeting in an effort to find the crack, to let the light in and to remind ourselves that horror isn’t the whole of the story. There’s still love in the world. There’s still hope.
So tonight we’ll be tweeting two hashtags. We’ll still be using (#)FreeYourMind as planned, but we’ll also be using (#)FindTheCrack, as a way of affirming our faith in the light, in humanity, and in each other. I’d suggest using them in separate tweets, if you’d like to help with the trending effort, but since tonight isn’t really about trending, use them at your discretion.
Hug your loved ones. Weep for those that never will again. Don’t let the light go out – it’s the best of us, and it’s all we have.
@RaggedyObserver This will explain. <3 #findthecrack
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Finding the Crack