
Fringe Finale January 18, 2013: The End of a Journey, but We # KeepLookingUp — 37 Comments

  1. #KeepLookingUp I’ll certainly try Fridays wont be the same without my insane dash to the tv to catch that little show that grabbed my hear captured my imagination and pull me in to stay #Fringe its been wonderful TY..& TY Fringenuity for that awesome feeling of being part of a fandom during each and everyone of these twitter events

  2. You beautifully articulated what all of us are feeling now. I enjoy reading your posts and hope that you will maintain this awesome blog! Reading your words will definitely be a comfort and way to regain strength once it’s over. It’s amazing to know that there are so many people who regard Fringe so highly and hold it so close to their hearts when there are also many who berate, thinking that it’s “just a TV show”. You and your blog is simply amazing. From one Fringie to another, thank you for everything. I know simply from seeing how much Fringe means to us fans, that it will live on in our hearts and minds for a very very long time.

  3. As we inch ever closer to the finale of Fringe, I find that I’m much more apprehensive than I thought I’d be. Until this week actually arrived, I figured, “It’s a TV show. Life will go on.” It’s true, but only now that the journey is nearly over do I realize just how much this show has meant to me.

    Fringe has inspired me. It’s shown me that truly meaningful, thought-provoking and deeply moving artwork is still out there to be discovered and it reminded me of the power therein. Being a writer, I often lose faith in my ability to produce anything worthwhile (as many writers do). While I doubt I’ll create anything nearly as great as Fringe, if I can write something that changes how people look at the world I think I’m doing my job right. Fringe has also made me realize that life is a series of opportunities. Each one of these odd little episodes we call “days” is just an opportunity to be a better person than you were the day before. We should not squander that.

    Most importantly of all, Fringe has shown me during the course of its five season run that there are people out there who value Love as much as I. I’m speaking not merely in terms of romantic Love, but Love of all sorts. Whether it was Walter and Peter, Olivia and Peter, or Astrid and Walter, Fringe was a Love story, through and through. Since I first felt it breathing life into my heart, I’ve felt that Love is the most important driving force in existence. Seeing how the show has progressed, and the fact that the other fans didn’t jump ship, but rather enjoyed it as much as I did, demonstrated to me that I’m not alone. None of us crazy romantics are. We may be in the minority, but there is a strong, dedicated group of us who believe in Love. What else can you ask for?

    Fringe has helped me feel less alone. That’s the long and short of it. Never feeling all that important has been a theme of my life for over a quarter-century now. But now, thanks to this show, I remember the power of art and the fact that I myself create art; I remember this dedicated community of hopeless romantics and optimists who may go by “Cortexifan” or “Fringie” or perhaps just “fan”. Suddenly, as I remember these things, the world is brighter.

    This show has brought us together, whether literally or not. We’re a community of our own. As I sat down to watch the first disc of season one in May of 2011, I had no clue what kind of effect this show would have on me and on my outlook regarding Life. When I stumbled across this website in early January of last year, I had no clue what we were about to do. I can’t thank you, members of Fringenuity, enough. We made a difference together. It may be “just a TV show” but it’s a show that stands for morality and integrity and friendship, things all too absent from much of media today. Fringe speaks in a clear voice, and that voice sings the praises of Love and friendship. And when it was in danger, we used our collective voice to say that this work was important. We refused to let this story die and, with the help of others, we were heard.

    This Friday, Fringe comes to a close, but its legacy will live on. The lives it touches today will undoubtedly cause others to be touched. I doubt its creators had any idea what they were about to unleash on an unsuspecting corner of our Universe, but they should be truly proud.

    Friday will be bittersweet, but everyone from J. H. Wyman all the way down to we dedicated fans should be proud that we took part in praising Love in the sincerest way we knew how.

    This hashtag is perfect. As I’m sure we’ll all be crying by the end of the series’ finale, we can take pride in knowing we let ourselves be heard and generations to come will be able to share this beautiful message because of it.


  4. I came late to the fandom and, yes, I have some regrets that I wasn’t involved earlier. However these regrets pale into insignificance when I take a hard look back over these last few months. Why? This is both an easy and a difficult question to answer.

    I’ve had a crash course in what the fandom has been doing. I had no idea what a hash tag campaign was; I’d never heard of Fringenuity. I hadn’t realised just how deep the passion and determination had been to get a fifth season aired.
    Fringe is a rich woven tapestry of love, hope, family and determination against the odds. The characters have had to face their own inner demons and external forces along the way. These last two sentences equally apply to the fandom. The fans love the show, they had hope for a fifth season, they joined together as a family and their determination won through. Many fans, including myself, have had inner demons or external forces to overcome along the way.

    These last months have been an emotional roller coaster. I have laughed and I have cried. Not so long ago I asked a question regarding fan fiction. This led to a link to the ‘Where is Peter Bishop’ video. Its effect on me was incredible. Both this video and the ‘Thank you Fringenuity’ have reduced me to tears.

    Fringenuity and the fans have welcomed me with open arms. I have received more love and hugs, albeit virtually, than I have had in 50 years. Being a small part in this community has had a huge impact on me. I am no longer alone, I have found inner confidence and I now realise nothing is impossible.I can alter my future timeline.

    This family does not stop here. The extended family includes the cast, crew, media and those who have produced trailers and promos. I am not going to start naming people as I don’t want to miss anybody out. As a fan of Fringe one of the most awe-inspiring aspects is actually talking to these people and more importantly being able to say thank you.

    And so I find myself in the eye of a storm. The rain will soon hammer down as my emotions take hold again. Hopefully the friendships that are developing will continue far beyond the end of Fringe. My final words are a simple, but heartfelt, thank you to Fringenuity, to the fandom and every single person involved with Fringe over the years. Each and every one of you is incredible and you should be proud of your part in this. Fringe will never be forgotten and neither will you.


  5. Nicholas, thank you for articulating what I feel inside! Sometimes I just can’t express myself as much as other Fringies on how I feel about the show, how it has changed my life and what it can mean for us in the future! The mere fact that us fans helped keep the show on for one more glorious season shows that WE matter how small we feel (myself most of all)…we MADE A DIFFERENCE. So I say to all Fringe fans that when we start to feel we have not done anything of note in life…yes we have…We saved Fringe!

  6. Alison! What a heartfelf reply, I wish I would have known you! I came in from the beginning but came in late to the twitter events. I love the show and all of the fans!

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